Anita Fuchs


   Bildende Kunst

Even supposed footnotes of urban life—for example plants in the urban environment—demonstrate culture. The “NATURE!” project therefore sets out to plant public flowerbeds with bee-friendly and insect-friendly wild flowers and plants with added information signs.

The project questions the way we handle nature and reflects on the space we afford it—also in the figurative sense in terms of society—in urban space and the forms assumed by wildlife in the city as a result of civilisation’s interventions. Another theme is what a planting looks like that reflects urbanity in the 21st century.

The project sets out to create an awareness of ecological concerns, to increase biodiversity and biomass in the city and to have a positive effect on the carbon footprint.

Anita Fuchs Nature! Lichtschwert
(c) Anita Fuchs, Grill/Markart

The “NATURE!” project is a cooperation of Universalmuseum Joanneum, department of Zoology, the department of Botany at the University of Graz, and the Ingenieurbüro für Biologie and the Grünraumbewirtschaftung der Stadt Graz.

Anita Fuchs Nature! Lichtschwert
Anita Fuchs Nature Wachtelweizen Scheckenfalter
(c) Philipp Sengl
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31 Mar2021

// Ort: Grünfläche vor der Oper Graz Lageplan googlemaps

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Graz Kulturjahr 2020 was supported by: