Daily Rhythms Collective (Daniela Brasil & Nayarí Castillo)

Homeostasis - between Borders and Flows

   Wissenschaft Bildende Kunst
Daily Rhythms Collective

Homeostasis is the mechanism by which organisms or systems sustain balance, or return to balance when needed. This natural regulation engine aims in maintaining a dynamic equilibrium, while evidencing the interrelatedness of all the parts that constitute the natural machine. This project proposes the phenomenon of Homeostasis as a metaphor to address the actual need to restore balance within our complex living environments – or the entanglements of individual and collective bodies and actions, human and other-than-human, borders and flows, on the local and global levels. It establishes an expanded artistic/ pedagogical format to bring together local and international artists, ecologists, urbanists and earth-rights defenders to reimagine the entanglements of ecology and urbanity, while debating and co-creating artistic works.

Daily Rhythms Collective Homeoastasis Performance Autobahn
(c) Karin Lernbeiss

Homeostasis focus on spaces on the edges of Graz — micro-forests and green areas circumscribed by highways roundabouts, located near to the borders of the city; using them as physical exploration devices to inquire around systemic change, and indispensable alterations to the ways we see, behave and act within nature. Life-flows do not follow the standardly imposed administrative borders. These artificial lines have been historically a topic of conflict within political, urbanistic and ecological discourses, as they do not follow the organic pathways and mechanisms of regulation of ecosystems. Concepts as “making kin” and “urban metabolism”, essential references for the research, debate and artistic outputs which are formulated and speculated upon inviting the public in Graz to expand our senses of (inter)connection in a post-human world.

Daily Rhythms Collective Homeoastasis Performance Autobahn
Daily Rhythms Collective Homeoastasis Performance Autobahn
(c) Nayari Castillo
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02 Jul 2021 bis 09 Sep 2021

Entanglements 2021
// Ort: Afro-Asiatisches Institut Lageplan googlemaps // Exhibition

01 Jul2021

Exhibition Opening "Entanglements 2021"
19:00 // Ort: Afro-Asiatisches Institut Lageplan googlemaps // Exhibition

01 Apr 2021 bis 15 Jul 2021

"Dioses de América – Panteón Natural // Godesses of America – Natural Pantheon Antonio Briceño"
// Ort: A 2 Süd Autobahn, Anschlussstelle Graz-Raaba Lageplan googlemaps

01 Apr 2021 bis 21 Jul 2021

"Philetairus socius or the Sociable Weaver"
// Ort: A 2 Süd Autobahn, Anschlussstelle Graz-Raaba, Auffahrt auf die A2 Lageplan googlemaps

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Graz Kulturjahr 2020 was supported by: