Geteilte Inkompetenzen


It is a well-known fact since ancient times that scientific knowledge is often best illustrated by means of art. That people share in knowledge is a basic condition of any modern society, but something which requires constant effort.
The project “Geteilte Inkompetenzen” takes a charming approach to this problem: the aim is to use public green spaces in Graz as “little research centres with shared incompetence” in order to discuss scientific and technical innovations.

Gisalab Geteilte Inkompetenzen Bastelei
(c) GISAlab

Artists as scientific outsiders will join scientists as artistic incompetents, thus engaging citizens in conversation. Over the course of the project, the aim is to create artworks and a “map of incompetents”.
The protagonists are a scientific team from Graz University of Technology; the artists Tanja Vujinovic, Niki Passath and artist duo diSTRUKTURA; Infineon Technologies Graz; Wegener-Center für Klima und globalen Wandel; students of the University College of Teacher Education; schoolgoers aged ten to sixteen.

Gisalab Geteilte Inkompetenzen Bastelei
Gisalab Geteilte Inkompetenzen Bastelei
(c) GISAlab
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09 Apr2021

Workshop "Bestiarium"
15:00 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps Anmeldung erforderlich

16 Apr2021

Workshop "Bestiarium"
15:00 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps Anmeldung erforderlich

23 Apr2021

Workshop "Bestiarium"
15:00 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps Anmeldung erforderlich

21 May2021

Workshop "Upcycling Sound"
15:00 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps Anmeldung erforderlich

28 May2021

Workshop "Upcycling Sound"
15:00 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps Anmeldung erforderlich

01 Jul2021

18:00 // Ort: Graz Museum (Gotische Halle) Lageplan googlemaps

02 Jul 2021 bis 29 Aug 2021

// Ort: Graz Museum (Gotische Halle) Lageplan googlemaps

08 Aug2021

16:00 // Ort: Graz Museum (Gotische Halle) Lageplan googlemaps

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Graz Kulturjahr 2020 was supported by: