esc medien kunst labor


   Musik/Klangkunst Wissenschaft Bildende Kunst
esc medien kunst labor

Digital technologies have become a firm fixture of everyday urban life and influence what we do and think even though people are not consciously aware of them. In this context the URBAN CYBORGS project forms a basis for a reflective handling of machines and systems from which new ideas for developing and using digital technologies may arise.

esc medien kunst labor Urban Cyborgs Cyborg Synthesis Sujetbild Adam Harvey Hyperface
(c) esc medien kunst labor

The three-part project is divided into a media art exhibition, a RADIO CYBORG as an intervention in urban space, and a live radio. In 2021, the United Federation of Cyborgs will invite visitors to an international conference on the future. In addition, lectures, workshops and discussion events will focus on future scenarios and possible effects of digital technologies on the forms and spaces of our life (together).

esc medien kunst labor Urban Cyborgs Cyborg Synthesis Sujetbild Adam Harvey Hyperface
Urban Cyborgs A Moment of Transition
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17 Jan2020

Cyborg Radiation Day. Arts Birthday 2020
18:00 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps

24 Jan2020

Salar: Evaporation
17:00 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps

24 Jan2020

Salar: Evaporation. The desert is the sea remembering itself, Klangperformance von Anna Friz
18:00 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps

25 Jan2020

Salar: Evaporation
18:00 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps

25 Jan2020

Salar: Evaporation
11:00 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps

26 Jan2020

Salar: Evaporation
11:00 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps

21 Feb2020

Salar: Evaporation
18:00 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps

04 Feb 2020 bis 21 Feb 2020

Salar: Evaporation
14:00 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps

27 May2020

14:00 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps // Ausstellungsbeginn

28 May 2020 bis 24 Jul 2020

14:00 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps // Ausstellung

26 Sep2020

Eröffnung "Cyborg Synthesis"
12:00 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps // Ausstellungseröffnung/Vortrag

26 Sep2020

Radio Cyborg Transmitter
13:00 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps // Klanginstallation

27 Sep 2020 bis 20 Nov 2020

Cyborg Synthesis
// Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps // Ausstellung

08 Oct2020

18:00 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps // Live-Performance Anmeldung erforderlich

13 Oct2020

Celebrating Ada Lovelace Day
11:00 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps

15 Oct2020

Hidden Alliances_versteckt verbunden
18:00 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps // Buchpräsentation

25 Oct2020

Story Telling for Earthly Survival. Utopie Filmbrunch #3: Donna Haraway
11:00 // Ort: KIZ - Kino im Augarten Lageplan googlemaps // Film

30 Oct2020

Radio Cyborg Transmitter RCT
14:30 // Ort: esc medien kunst labor Lageplan googlemaps // Klanginstallation

05 Nov2020

Handbuch Überwachung
18:00 // Ort: Online (Constant_BigBlueButton) // Vortrag/Diskussion

13 Nov2020

ORF Zeitton spezial zum musikprotokoll 2020
23:03 // Radiosendung

13 Nov2020

IMA – Fiction
18:00 // Ort: online // Videos

20 Nov2020

Robot Partners featuring spineBot
18:00 // Ort: Online // Performance / Finissage

21 Jan2021

Art's Birthday 2021 - Radio Cyborg Transmitter
19:00 // Ort: Radio Helsinki (92.6 FM) und online // Klangperformance

20 May2021

Vernissage "La nuit des temps"
18:00 // Ort: Mausoleum Lageplan googlemaps // Opening

21 May 2021 bis 16 Jul 2021

The Birth of the Robots
// Ort: Mausoleum Lageplan googlemaps // Installation

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